2022 and 2023 have continued to be successful years for Roodberg with their slipway trailers manufactured in Holland. The simplicity and high-quality products have for many years attracted many boat yard operators and this continues to be the case.
Various trailers have been delivered in this period, with some notable ones being Crawfords Marina in Ireland who took delivery of an RBT47 (47T capacity) trailer to compliment their boat hoist. Parkstone Bay Marina in Poole have added Roodberg trailer No. 5 to the fleet with the purchase of an SW15 trailer, to use on their slipway. Both of these customers had experienced the products before and wanted another!
The SW range of ‘no frills’ trailers has been expanded with a 15T capacity unit, another of these was delivered to St Abbs Harbour in Scotland with great success. The design of all of the trailers has always been an evolving concept, with the latest range having new features such as Sherardized fittings, galvanised frames as standard (can be overpainted), new wear pads, new safety valves and more. These new features have gone down very well, with many being delivered over the last 24 months with some very happy customers.
With the Roodberg market ever expanding in the UK and Ireland, PDMS have been arranging more and more parts for older units including complete refurbishments and upgrades to newer models. With Roodberg being a European company, providing trailers to the Irish Market is a simple process.

All Roodberg products and services are provided throughout the UK and Ireland by P&D Marine Services Ltd, part of the wider P&D Marine Group.